

  1. app/.openshift/markersディレクトリにskip_maven_buildファイルを作成する。(中身は空でOK)
  2. 後は通常のgitを使ったアップロード
  • app/.openshift/markers/READMEより

    Adding marker files to this directory will have the following effects:

    enable_jpda - Will enable the JPDA socket based transport on the java virtual
    machine running the JBoss AS 7 application server. This enables
    you to remotely debug code running inside the JBoss AS 7
    application server.

    skip_maven_build - Maven build step will be skipped

    force_clean_build - Will start the build process by removing all non
    essential Maven dependencies. Any current dependencies specified in
    your pom.xml file will then be re-downloaded.
  • Deploying GateIn to OpenShiftより
    One final thing - we don’t care much about the template web application that ‘rhc app create’ prepared for us, so we tell the tooling to skip building, and deploying it:

    touch .openshift/markers/skip_maven_build

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