Repo layout
webapps/ - location for built wars (Details below)
webapps/ - 構築されたWARファイルの配置場所(以下詳細)
src/ - Maven src structure
src/ - Mavenのソース構造
pom.xml - Maven build file
pom.xml - Mavenのビルドファイル
.openshift/ - location for openshift specific files
.openshift/ - openshiftの詳細ファイル配置場所
.openshift/config/ - location for configuration files such as standalone.xml (used to modify jboss config such as datasources)
.openshift/config/ - standalone.xmlなど設定ファイル配置場所 (データソースなどJBoss設定に使用)
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_build - Script that gets run every git push before the build (on the CI system if available)
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_build - git pushビルドの前に実行されるスクリプト(もし有効であればCIシステム上で)
.openshift/action_hooks/build - Script that gets run every git push as part of the build process (on the CI system if available)
.openshift/action_hooks/build - git pushビルドプロセスの一部として実行されるスクリプト(もし有効であればCIシステム上で)
.openshift/action_hooks/deploy - Script that gets run every git push after build but before the app is restarted
.openshift/action_hooks/deploy - git pushビルド後毎に実行されるがアプリが再起動される前に実行されるスクリプト
.openshift/action_hooks/post_deploy - Script that gets run every git push after the app is restarted
.openshift/action_hooks/post_deploy - アプリが再起動された後、git push毎に実行されるスクリプト
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_start_jbossews-1.0 - Script that gets run prior to starting EWS1.0
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_start_jbossews-1.0 - EWS1.0を開始する前に実行されるスクリプト
.openshift/action_hooks/post_start_jbossews-1.0 - Script that gets run after EWS1.0 is started
.openshift/action_hooks/post_start_jbossews-1.0 - EWS1.0開始後に実行されるスクリプト
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_stop_jbossews-1.0 - Script that gets run prior to stopping EWS1.0
.openshift/action_hooks/pre_stop_jbossews-1.0 - EWS1.0を停止する前に実行されるスクリプト
.openshift/action_hooks/post_stop_jbossews-1.0 - Script that gets run after EWS1.0 is stopped
.openshift/action_hooks/post_stop_jbossews-1.0 - EWS1.0停止後に実行されるスクリプト
Notes about layout
Note: Every time you push, everything in your remote repo dir gets recreated
please store long term items (like an sqlite database) in the OpenShift
data directory, which will persist between pushes of your repo.
The OpenShift data directory is accessible relative to the remote repo
directory (../data) or via an environment variable OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR.
Details about layout and deployment options
There are two options for deploying content to the Tomcat Server within OpenShift.
Both options can be used together (i.e. build one archive from source and others pre-built)
1) (Preferred) You can upload your content in a Maven src structure as is this sample project and on git push have the application built and deployed.
1) (好ましい方法)サンプルプロジェクトのようにMavenソース構造のコンテンツをアップロード可能であり、そしてgit pushでアプリケーションをビルドし、デプロイされる。
For this to work you'll need your pom.xml at the root of your repository and a maven-war-plugin like in this sample to move the output from the build to the webapps directory.
By default the warName is ROOT within pom.xml.
This will cause the webapp contents to be rendered at http://app_name-amespace.rhcloud.com/.
If you change the warName in pom.xml to app_name, your base url would then become http://app_name-namespace.rhcloud.com/app_name.
Note: If you are building locally you'll also want to add any output wars under webapps
from the build to your .gitignore file.
Note: If you are running scaled EWS1.0 then you need an application deployed to the root context (i.e. http://app_name-namespace.rhcloud.com/) for the HAProxy load-balancer to recognize that the EWS1.0 instance is active.
2) You can git push pre-built wars into webapps/.
2) webappsフォルダにプレビルドのwarをgit pushすることができる。
To do this with the default repo you'll want to first run 'git rm -r src/ pom.xml' from the root of your repo.
デフォルトのレポでこれを行うには、あなたのレポのルートから'git rm -r src/ pom.xml'を最初に実行しようと望むだろう。
Basic workflows for deploying pre-built content (each operation will require associated git add/commit/push operations to take effect):
ビルド前コンテンツをデプロイするための基本ワークフロー(各オペレーションは有効となるためにgit add/commit/push操作に関連が必要となる):
A) Add new zipped content and deploy it:
1. cp target/example.war webapps/
B) Undeploy currently deployed content:
1. git rm webapps/example.war
C) Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it:
1. cp target/example.war webapps/
Note: You can get the information in the uri above from running 'rhc domain show'
注意:あなたは'rhc domain show'実行結果のURIの中で、情報を入手可能である。
If you have already committed large files to your git repo, you rewrite or reset the history of those files in git to an earlier point in time and then 'git push --force' to apply those changes on the remote OpenShift server.
あなたがGitレポに、既にコミットされた大きなファイルを有しているのなら、あなたは上書き又はそれらのファイルの履歴をgit以前の時点にリセットし、次に'git push --force'を適用してリモートOpenShiftサーバー上でこれらを変更して欲しい。
A git gc on the remote OpenShift repo can be forced with (Note: tidy also does other cleanup including clearing log files and tmp dirs):
リモートOpenShift上のgit gcは、強制させることもできる(注意:)
rhc app tidy -a appname
Whether you choose option 1) or 2) the end result will be the application
deployed into the webapps directory. The webapps directory in the
Tomcat distribution is the location end users can place
their deployment content (e.g. war, ear, jar, sar files) to have it
automatically deployed into the server runtime.
Environment Variables
OpenShift provides several environment variables to reference for ease
of use. The following list are some common variables but far from exhaustive:
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME") - Application name
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR") - For persistent storage (between pushes)
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_TMP_DIR") - Temp storage (unmodified files deleted after 10 days)
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP") - The IP address used to bind EWS1.0
When embedding a database using 'rhc app cartridge add', you can reference environment
variables for username, host and password. For example, when embedding MySQL 5.1, the
following variables will be available:
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST") - DB host
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT") - DB Port
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME") - DB Username
System.getenv("OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD") - DB Password
To get a full list of environment variables, simply add a line in your
.openshift/action_hooks/build script that says "export" and push.
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